Hi, my name is

Aryan Bhokare

Web Developer and C++ Programmer

I’m a software developer specializing in building (and occasionally designing). Currently, I’m focused on learning Backend technologies and Machine Learning

About me

Here you will find more information about me, what I do, and my current skills mostly in terms of programming and technology

Get to know me!

I'm a Full Stack Web Developer building the Functionalities of Websites and Web Applications that leads to the success of the overall product. Check out some of my work in the Projects section. I also like sharing content related to the stuff that I have learned over the years in Web Development so it can help other people of the Dev Community. Feel free to Connect or Follow me on my Linkedin where I post useful content related to Web Development and Programming I'm open to Job opportunities where I can contribute, learn and grow. If you have a good opportunity that matches my skills and experience then don't hesitate to contact me.

My Skills


Your Resume

A easy to use resume builder made with ReactJs and CSS. Has drag and drop feature to add and remove sections. Has a preview section to see the changes made. Can download the resume in pdf format. Tech stack used HTML,CSS, JavaScript, ReactJs.

Expense Tracker

Expense tracker is a web app that helps you to keep track of your expenses. User can store their monthly budget and add their expenses and income this App will keep track than you don't go out of budget. Tech stack used HTML,Tailwind CSS, JavaScript, ReactJs.

Recruit App

This a prototype of Recruiting solution for companies to hire candidates.Recruiter can search candidates based on their skills and experience and choose the candidates which are most qualified. Recruit App has an attractive interface. Tech stack used HTML,CSS, JavaScript .


YouTube (Video streaming) Clone web app made with the help of YouTube API from Rapid API. Used React Hooks and React Router to make the site responsive. Interactive and responsive design.Tech stack used HTML,Tailwind CSS, JavaScript, ReactJs.


Text-utils is a text utility platform where you can make changes to the text like making it bold, lowercase and uppercase very conviniently. It supports the Dark mode feature made with the help of React hooks. Tech stack used HTML,Tailwind CSS, JavaScript, React.

Get In Touch

Feel free to Contact me by submitting the form below and I will get back to you as soon as possible. Also if you want to share any opportunities